
All healers, depending on the legal recognition of the country in which they practise, who accept the purpose and the preamble of the Society, can become members. For this purpose, a written application must be submitted to the ISAN Executive Board, which decides on admission by simple majority. Further details are regulated by the membership rules.

ISAN offers its members, among other things:

  • Free, expert online and telephone consultations.
  • Free subscription to the ISAN newsletter
  • Certification according to the proven qualification in Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)®.
  • After certification by the AGAHP, entry in the international register of therapists on request.
  • A membership certificate and for our certified members additionally the certificate International Society of Anthroposophic Naturopathy (ISAN) / certified in Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)® according to the guidelines of the AGAHP and a pin with the seal of the ISAN, with which the membership is visible to the outside.
  • The seal to indicate certified membership on business stationery, website and practice sign.
  • Participation in scientific research projects on Anthroposophic Naturopathy
  • Cooperation with other therapeutic professional groups and professional associations of IKAM 
  • Beneficial participation in international colloquia and symposia on anthroposophic naturopathy 
  • Opportunities to participate in further training events organised by the Medical Section
  • Further training opportunities through our central training body ANTHROPOS-SOPHIA 
  • Opportunities for further training at accredited training institutions, e.g. events organised by WALA or Weleda
  • Representation of members' interests vis-à-vis the Medical Section, authorities and state institutions
  • Preparation of expert reports and assessments
  • Annual participation in the meetings of the International Society of Anthroposophic Naturopathy (ISAN) in Dornach / Switzerland
  • Membership of the "Specialist group on factual field Anthroposophic Naturopathy" in the General Anthroposophical Society

If you would like to contribute your experience, knowledge and skills, we would be delighted to have you as a member. Become a member and benefit from our extensive services. Our annual membership fee is a uniform 285 for all full members. Colleagues in training pay a reduced annual fee of 205 euros as associate members.

Application for membership
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